Our Story

Hi There!

My Name is Rachel. I’m a stay at home Mom of a 4.5 Year old and 2 year old. Before having my first son, I worked in the education field for over 10 years. The last 7 of those years were in the under 3 classrooms. I received my Bachelors degree in Early Childhood Education in 2019. I’ve always loved being in the classroom, and miss it so much at times. I thought of this idea after seeing so many different sensory boxes available on the market, but they never really fit our needs as a family. My oldest son is a sensory seeker, and I find a lot of value in buying quality materials that aren’t just there to fill a box or cheaply made. In comes The Sensory Mess. This is a way to bring a little of my own classroom experiences and love for messy play into your homes. I use all of these materials at home with my own children. I always try to find high quality materials to add to the boxes so you can use them time and time again. Of course, some boxes will have materials that will easily get dirty or messy, but that is the great thing about the boxes - you have the materials specifically for that type of play! My son was always trying to bring in the materials we have on his toy shelves. Sometimes that was fine, but not always. Having kits and materials specifically for messy play is really helpful.